in 1991, the then Education Department (ED) introduced the School Management
Initiative (SMI) Scheme, which offered a school-based management (SBM)
framework for enhancing the effectiveness of schools. In the Report No.7 on
Quality Education issued in 1997, the Education Commission formulated
recommendations to improve school management and performance for the provision
of quality school education, to prepare our young people to face the challenges
and competition which lie ahead in a global and knowledge-based economy. One of
the recommendations is that schools should practise SBM, in the spirit of the
SMI Scheme, to develop their own ways of meeting the needs of the students and
enhancing learning outcomes.
is the decentralization of decision-making from the Education Bureau (EDB) to
schools regarding personnel procedures, financial matters and the design and
delivery of curriculum. But schools must still satisfy the government
regulatory requirements and the Codes of Aid (COA). Since 1999, measures have
been taken to facilitate schools’ implementation of SBM, including more
flexible funding arrangements, streamlining of administrative procedures, and
devolution of more responsibilities to schools in personnel, financial and
curriculum matters. All these measures are to create more room for schools to
develop quality education with their own characteristics and provide schools
with more flexibility in the use of public funds. Schools can find more information
on the background and implementation of SBM .
1. SBM aims to enable schools to
manage their operation and resources in an effective and accountable manner so
as to raise the standards of learning and teaching and thus improve the
students’ learning outcomes. Hence, schools are devolved more responsibilities
and provided with the necessary resources, autonomy and flexibilities so that
they can respond proactively to the needs of the students and the community in
the delivery of educational services.
2. The objective is that schools will develop a management framework
for building a shared vision and ownership among all members of the school
community, and strengthening the partnership among the various stakeholders
through participatory decision-making. The key stakeholders can contribute
their views and expertise for the betterment of the school.
3. We envisage that our schools will be professional learning communities
wherein decisions are made by those who work directly with the students and
continuous improvement is ensured through more systematic planning and
self-evaluation processes.
4. The Figure below illustrates how SBM influences student
learning outcome and the interaction/ inter-relationship among the various
elements of the school operation:
information visit to website :-
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